While waiting for Maggie, we are picking up her brother in Africa!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Baylee's newly decorated room! She fell in love with this bedspread and wanted polka-dots on her walls, so we set out to find just the right paint colors and room accessories. We still have more to do, but she's very happy with it!

At each school year ending since kindergarten, Baylee and I go and pick out a new cross for her collection. This year makes 6! My baby is growing up right in front of my eyes!

Look at all those Webkinz! Way too many!

Baylee and I paint rocks each summer while in Colorado. It has become quite a tradition. We are making the town of Lake City and adding to it each year. Last year we made this apartment building, a gas station, a church, and a few other things. This year our plan is a school, a grocery store, and more houses!

Baylee is a constant flipper!

Fun at our 1st annual Chin-okie picnic!

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