While waiting for Maggie, we are picking up her brother in Africa!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Sister

I am Baylee, the big sister! I plan to take the more positive side of the issue! I plan on my baby sister to come home in 2008!! Join me in this positive thinking and prayer and I know that all of the family and friends want my sister to come in 2008 as we do!

I am 10 years old. My passions are volleyball and golf! Camping in Colorado is the best. We just got home from being there 2 weeks. That was the bomb!! If my mom can figure out how to post pictures, we will show you all the things we did in Colorado. I also like having dogs. I think you can never have too many of them. We have 3, but if it were up to me, I would want to have 10. Mom and Daddy say they can't afford it! I also like Webkinz. That is a virtual website. After you buy a stuffed animal, you enter your code and create your own rooms (all the rooms you can think of) for your virtual pet! It's very fun! I am in to friends that I didn't want to leave school which is practically amazing! I hope you enjoyed my post. Check it often for updates on my family and Maggie!

Hope and Faith

I have decided to try my hand at blogging! I hope I am smart enough!! I decided to create a blog so that our family and friends can follow us on our journey to get our Maggie Faith from China. We started this process in February 2006. It has been a long journey so far and it only seems to get longer. It looks like it could be as long as 2009 before we see our precious 2nd daughter's face. We hope for a miracle speed up by the CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs). Say a quick prayer for us when you think of it. We dream of having her next year.

As most of you know, we had Baylee with no problem. When she was 4, we started trying again. After 5 years and only 2 pregnancies, both ending in miscarriages, we decided to adopt. We researched a lot of different avenues, but door after door shut, and China's door was wide open! After lots of prayer and many signs pointing us to China (including an adopted China student in my class) we started to pursue it! It is a very long process, but we know that this is the path God has chosen for us. It will happen in His time. So we wait...........and wait................and wait, knowing that this journey only makes us stronger, more hopeful, and more faithful.