While waiting for Maggie, we are picking up her brother in Africa!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Soooo Close, but yet it seems so far away!

Baylee and I are going bonkers I believe, waiting for the CALL! I never dreamed being in the number 1 slot would be so nerve wracking! I almost wish school was still going so that I would have more to occupy my time! We are trying to not think too hard about it, but we just can't seem to help it! Brian is way better at this kind of thing. He never frets about much at all! Today I took my mom-in-law to the eye dr., ran a couple of errands, and then did some craft projects. Tomorrow I need to clean the house, focusing mostly on our back(family) room. It constantly needs attention. On Thursday I will take Baylee to golf lessons, run some more errands, get Baylee's haircut, and then I am going to school to get all my books to bring home. I am trying to get more organized at school. I am going to try to implement a new classroom library plan. I am going to code my 100's of books with sticker dots according to author's first letter of the last name. This should take quite a bit of time! Yeah! See, I am trying to stay busy and productive. I have already cleaned out closets, the frig, the garage, planted tons of flowers, among other things, but I still have quite a lot of idle time. I know that in less than 2 short months, school will be back in session, hopefully things will be progressing with the adoption, and I will miss these days of idle time! I really do enjoy my summers, because with school, things are always busy, but right now these lazy days of summer are just the thing to give my mind too much of an opening to think about ............that CAAAAALLLLLL!! Just think, next summer I won't have any time to think, because I will be chasing a little one again! Oh, I can't wait! Please pray for us!

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